Friday, February 4, 2011


The question is whether a guru is necessary or not. Can truth be found through another ? Some say it can and some say it cannot. We want to know the truth of this,not my opinion as against the opinion of another. I have no opinion in this matter. Either it is so or it is not. Whether it is essential that you should or should not have a guru is not a question on opinion, however profound , erudite, popular, universal. The truth of the matter is to be found out, in fact.
First of all, why do we want a guru ? We say we need a guru because we are confused and the guru is helpful; he will point out what truth is, he will help us to understand , he knows much more about life than we do, he will act as a father, as a teacher to instruct us in life; he was vast experience and we have but little; he will help us through his greater experience and so on and on. That is , basically you go to a teacher because you are confused.
If you were clear you would not go near a guru. Obviously if you were profoundly happy, if there were no problems , if you understood life completely , you would not go to any guru. I hope you see the significance of this.


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