Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In My Mind’s ‘I’

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In My Mind's 'I'
This is an esoteric, spiritual and philosophical book wrapped up in fantasy, ready to be unravelled like an ancient puzzle.
Pazamor, from the land of Dronagon, a mystic traveller from the future in an age past. He is apprentice to the Master Tang and is given the difficult task of restoring King Dronagon to his rightful throne and bringing peace to the land.
He has his friends to help him in this dangerous quest. Among them are

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Book of Faith and Inspiration

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 With pen in hand “I write what God inspires and guides me to write and He has always wanted me to shear it with all People of all Nations so that they would enjoy that which is really Gods. Rev. Sam” and most people like this book This will give you some idea of what I write.This is a collection of poems http://paladinnews1.blogspot.com
Dr. Derek Lamar
Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS and I are both working to help people discover the Christ within them and to understand the incredible Teaching that Jesus
Book of Faith and Inspiration cover

4 top coaching tips that work in the real world

Many managers struggle to find the best way to encourage, motivate, enthuse and develop their staff. The myriad of personalities that we have to deal with on a daily basis makes it difficult for us to determine how to get the best performance from such a diverse group of people that we happen to have on our team
Still, it’s your responsibility to create the climate and environment for your people to thrive. Without the growth that’s necessary for improved performance and target-achievement, your people lack the spark and creativity that will ultimately set your business (and, indeed, yourself) apart in a highly-competitive world.
By far the best way to build this platform for growth is through the development and nurturing of a style of management that encourages creativity, inspires participation and facilitates growth. Devoting time to this style is paramount if you want to tap into your people’s potential.
Most managers find that when they coach their people effectively, they get better results than with most other styles. Here are four coaching tips that really work and lead to greater achievement.
1) Encourage self-evaluation
Getting the person to evaluate their own performance against a set of agreed parameters and criteria helps them to identify where the improvement in performance lies. Of course, you have a great idea what they need to do and how they need to do it, but when they proactively uncover areas that they know about themselves, it encourages personal responsibility and accountability as to the level of performance they are willing to achieve.

You don’t need to spend money to improve your marketing knowledge


Do you want to refresh your existing or gain new marketing knowledge? Then it can’t hurt to take a look at some of our most popular marketing titles. They are free to download, of course.
You can choose from titles such as CRM, Internet Marketing, Social Media and SEO.
Are you still not sure if these titles can help you gain new marketing skills? Our suggestion: Find out by downloading them for free. If you regard them useful please share them with your colleagues and friends.
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Good communication = Effective business


Effective communication is often a neglected factor in management training – yet it is an essential component of the management skills toolbox. Good communication reduces the incidence of misunderstanding and consequent errors, and enables you to make your point quickly, clearly and persuasively. It also ensures that individual team members are more readily aligned to the vision and leadership of the organisation. This in turn serves to reduce the opportunity for disharmony, discontent or dissatisfaction in the workplace, and is supportive of a healthy working culture.

Free Half Hour Jewelmint Poor communicators often make bad decisions
The way you communicate reflects the type of person you are. It gives an insight to your strengths and weaknesses and sets the tone for your business dealings. Poor communicators often make bad decisions, are poor negotiators and, worse still, can be ineffective business people.

13 simple approaches to beat procrastination and get things done

Are you a procrastinator? Then you are not alone. Procrastination is a common problem which can stand between you and the task at hand. However, you might be happy to hear that there are many easy techniques to avoid the procrastination track. Here are some practical tips that can help you explore your strengths and develop a habit structure to overcome procrastination. Start today!This article is based on the free eBook

Tip #1 – Use “to do” management programs effectively
If you find yourself procrastinating because you feel overwhelmed, implementing a good “to do” system could be the solution that allows you to get down to business. Keep in mind that a good “to do” program is one that allows you to update tasks quickly and capture thoughts as they occur. While a pen and paper might work for some people, most will be better served by a mobile device running programs like Evernote, Remember the Milk or Things.

13 recent leadership stories – from President Obama to Pope Benedict

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Most, if not all of you can easily recall coming across an article in a newspaper or magazine, listening to a news story on the radio or watching a panel discussion among experts in a TV program relating to the issues of leaders elected or appointed to a specific leadership position ranging from politics and the financial world to religion and religious institutions.This article is based on the free eBook "Fundamentals of communication, P.R. and leadership"
This article summarizes some of the most spectacular leadership stories during the years 2012 and 2013 – from Barack Obama to Pope Benedict XVI and former Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson. Let’s take a look at what was going on.

A glimpse at recent political, financial and religious events

Barack Obama
On Sunday, January 20, 2013, as the Constitution of the United States of America foresees, Mr Barack Obama, having won the National elections held in November 2012, was sworn in during a brief White House ceremony as the 44th President of the USA to serve his second four year term in office. The open air ceremony with the participation of thousands of members of the broader public took place 24 hours later on Monday, January 21st.

How to overcome objections in sales

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No one likes to deal with objections. It would be much easier if the customer would listen to everything you have said, agree that you are the best choice for their needs, and buy from you the first time that you attempt a sale. But that’s not how it works in the sales world! To become an expert at handling objections, you need to learn the following mantra: An objection and ‘no’ are two different things.
Common Objections
For eBooks Lovers There are several common objections to sales presentations, each of which can be handled effectively if you remain calm, take the time to listen to the customer, and take the time to respond carefully. These objections include, among others: Price, fear of change and timing.
Business is business, and customers will always want to get the best possible price for the quality of product and service that they need. You could defend the price by reminding the customer what they will be getting for what they will be paying. You should focus on the benefits of the product or service. You should be prepared to point out to the customer what the savings or increase in revenue will be if, for example, errors are reduced, functions are automated or production is increased. If you can attach actual dollar figures to the savings, your response to a price objection will be even more effective.

Tips for a successful interview: The employer’s perspective

Being an employer these days is a difficult task. Getting it wrong and not managing employees so that they perform to their optimum is frustrating, time consuming and expensive.……so what can employers do? Making just a few changes will reduce your risk and help the work flow more easily. Let us start by summarizing what to consider when seeing your future employee face to face for the first time: at the interview.
Looking for good ‘raw material’
For eBooks Lovers An interview is a fact-finding exercise. Prepare your questions and tests, where used, to probe and examine candidates’ skills and knowledge against essential criteria. Don’t necessarily expect a fully trained candidate to emerge. This is relatively rare; what you’re looking for is good ‘raw material’, which can be trained to meet your requirements.
A successful interview needs a structure
An interview needs to be structured, as this helps both you and your interviewee. The opening and closing phases will be brief, but they are important.

Be sure to apply for a job that suits you

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Job advertisements are aimed to attract job applicants of quality in quantity. That is why a great deal of time and effort usually goes into writing these ads. This implies that you need to spend time and effort reading them. Sometimes, specialist copywriters are used trying to ensure that the ad is attractive to suitable job applicants, and unattractive to unsuitable job applicants. Reading job ads carefully and critically reduces the likelihood that you will waste time and effort applying for jobs which are unsuitable to you. Take a few minutes to discover the basic aspects of job ads.

  • Examine the job-title carefully, and if in doubt, research its meaning on the web. A term such as ‘director’ can be quite misleading; it can cover employment ranging from the directorship of a company, to a job requiring a relatively low level of knowledge and skills.
  • Be aware that the salary level is often a good indication of the level at which the employer is pitching the job.  If it looks much too high for someone with your experience, knowledge and skills, then consider whether it is worth you investing time and effort applying for it.

8 steps to turn your internship into a full-time job

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These days, doing an internship is almost an obligatory part of your studies. This is why you might as well make the most of it. Think of your internship as an extended job interview and probation period rolled into one. That means doing your homework just as you would with any interview – and showing what you’re worth from the moment you are given the chance.
Here are some tips to leverage your internship into a full-time job. Don’t miss this!This article is based on the free eBook

1. Tell them what you want
If you are serious about turning your internship into a full-time position, present this from the very beginning – perhaps during your first interview. If your employer is keen on the idea, then you’ve got yourself an amazing internship and job opportunity. If not, and a full-time gig is your ultimate goal, this internship may not be right for you.

2. Interview them
Remember that you’re testing the water with this company just as much as they are testing you. Take advantage of the internship to see if you can spot bad company culture before you get excited about working full-time. On the other hand, if you find that you love the working environment, you’ll have all the more motivation to do your absolute best.

How to switch off negative thoughts and build your self-confidence

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Major contributors to job stress are negative thinking along with the feeling of having to give into perceived unreasonable demands, lack of information, poor environment, lack of control over work and the pace of work, frequent distraction, and frustration of goals. People can also find that the demands of their jobs conflict with their values, beliefs or goals.This article is based on the free eBook "Finding a Panacea for Stress"
Another stressor can be a lack of information, particularly at a time when people may be insecure about their jobs. We tend to think negatively when we fear the future, put ourselves down, criticize ourselves for errors, doubt our abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyzes mental skills.
In this article you can find helpful methods on how to fight these negative thoughts. Start today! 

View your thoughts objectively
Whenever we are strategizing about any activity and feel a nagging sense of foreboding, it is useful to sit down quietly, take four or five deep breaths and enter an introspective frame of mind.
Look at every negative thought that has crossed your mind. Ask yourself whether the thought is reasonable: Does it stand up to fair scrutiny?

5 ways to get interviewers to like you

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Personal branding is about how we marketing ourselves. It is the experience we want others to have when they interact with us. At an interview, your personal brand is the words the interviewers will use to describe their impression of you and their experience of interviewing you.This article is based
To stand a chance of being offered the role, the words you want the interviewers to use to describe you need to be positive. It therefore makes sense to give some thought to how you want to be perceived. In other words, you want to work on defining your personal brand. Let’s take a look at how you can play this out.

For eBooks Lovers Determining your Personal Brand
You start to think about our personal brand by asking yourself this question:
  • By the end of the interview, what words would I like the interviewers to use to describe me and their experience of interviewing me?’
You might come up with words like ‘professional’, ‘enthusiastic’ and ‘confident.’
You then ask yourself:
  • How can I portray these qualities during the interview?

These facts make EADS a great place for a career start

Are you a recent graduate? Or do you know someone who is? If you have finished your studies and are looking for the ideal place to begin your career, EADS offers a unique environment and great prospects.
For eBooks Lovers Have you recently graduated? Or do you know someone who did? If you have finished your studies and are looking for the ideal place to begin your career, EADS offers a unique environment and great prospects.
EADS unites a leading aircraft manufacturer, the world’s largest helicopter supplier, a global leader in space programs and a worldwide leader in global security solutions and systems to form Europe’s largest defense and aerospace group. More than 140,000 people work at Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter, in 90 locations globally. As a team they deliver some of the industry’s most exciting projects.EADS
In this article we have gathered some interesting facts about EADS from a career starter’s perspective. Take a look!

Check out the various fields and areas of business at EADS
Are you a graduate in the field of aviation and space technology, electronics, information technology or economics? Do you have knowledge and ability, an entrepreneurial way of thinking and acting, along with enthusiasm, communication skills and the ability to work with a team?