Friday, March 18, 2011

Nature and Earth

What is our relationship with nature?

 I do not know if you have discovered your relationship with nature. There is no “right” relationship; there is only the understanding of relationship. Right relationship implies the mere acceptance of a formula, as does right thought. Right thought and right thinking are two different things. Right thought is merely confirming to what is right, what is respectable, whereas right thinking is movement, it is the product of understanding, and understanding is constantly undergoing modification, change. Similarly, there is a different between right relationship and understanding our relationship with the nature. What is your relationship with nature? – nature being the rivers, the trees, the swift-flying birds, the fish in the water, the minerals understanding the earth, the waterfalls and shallow pools. What is your relationship to them? Most of us are not aware of that relationship. We never look at a tree, or if we do, it is with the view of using that tree—either to sit in its shade or to cut it down for lumber. In other words, we look at trees with a utilitarian purpose; we never look at a tree without projecting ourselves and utilizing it for our own convenience.

Do We Love Our earth, or Just Use It as we Do Each Other?
We treat the earth and its products in the same way. There is no love of earth, there is only usage of earth. If one really loved the earth, there would be frugality in using the things of the earth. That is, sir, if we were to understand our relationship with the earth, we should be very careful in the use we made of the things of the earth. The understanding of one’s relationship with nature is as difficult as understanding one’s relationship with one’s neighbor, wife, and children. Btu we have not given a thought to it, we have never sat down to look at the stars, the moon, or the trees. We are too busy with social or political activities. Obviously, these activities are escapes from ourselves, and to worship nature is also an escape from ourselves. We are always using nature, either as an escape or for utilitarian ends—we never actually stop and love the earth or the things of the earth. We never enjoy the rich fields, though we utilize them to feed and clothe ourselves. We never like to till the earth with our hands—we are ashamed to work our hands.

Maps Are Political Opinions, Not Facts:
The Earth Is not ‘Yours’ and ‘Mine’

So, we have lost our relationship with nature. If once we understood that relationship, its real significance, then we would not divide property into yours and mine; though one might own a piece of land and build a house on it, it would cease to be ‘mine’ or ‘yours’ in the exclusive sense—it would be more a means of taking shelter. Because we do not love the earth and the things of the earth but merely utilize them, we are insensitive to the beauty of a waterfall, we have lost the touch of life, we have never sat with our backs against the trunk of the tree; and since we do not love nature, we do not know how to love the human beings and animals.

We Are Caretakers—Each of Us Temporary At That

It does not mean that you cannot use the earth, but you must use the earth as it is to be used. Earth is there to be loved and cared for, not to be divided as ‘yours’ and ‘mine’. It is foolish to plant a tree in a compound and call it ‘mind’.


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