Friday, September 13, 2013

நான் டெல்லி நீதிபதியின் பேனா பேசுகிறேன்...

நான் ஐயாவின் இதயத்திற்கு அருகில் குடியிருப்பதால் அவரை நன்கு அறிவேன் , அவர் தீர்ப்பு எழுதிவிட்டு மீண்டும் என்னை சட்டை பையில் வைக்கும் போது அவர் இதய துடிப்பு எனக்கு புரியும்.
கொஞ்சம் பொறுங்கள்.. எனக்குள் இருப்பது அரசாங்கம் வழங்கிய 'எழுது பொருள் திரவம் ' ( மை ) . அதை நீக்கிவிட்டு பேசுகிறேன். எனக்குள் அந்த அரசாங்க திரவம் இருந்தால் நானும் ஐயா மாதிரியே எழுதுவேன். ஆதலால், அதை உதறிவிட்டு, எப்பொழுதும் எழுதும் நான் இப்பொழுது மட்டும் பேசுகிறேன்.

'பிறழ் மனம்' ( புத்தி பேதலித்து இருப்பது ) கொண்டவர்கள் தவறு செய்தால் சட்டத்தால் தண்டிக்க இயலாது என்று ஐயா கூறக் கேட்டிருக்கிறேன்.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Influencing and Persuasion skills

Being able to influence and persuade others to get them to do what you want them to do is a key skill not only in business but in life as a whole!
We only achieve real results through others and that takes effective communication skills.
In this textbook you’ll will learn the key skills and the techniques so you can win people around to your ideas, influence others on certain decisions and persuade them to take certain a certain course of action all by the way that you communicate with them!


Being able to influence and persuade others to get them to do what you want them to do is a key skill not only in business but in life as a whole!
We only achieve real results through others and that takes effective communication skills.
In this textbook you’ll will learn the key skills and the techniques so you can win people around to your ideas, influence others on certain decisions and persuade them to take certain a certain course of action all by the way that you communicate with them!

6 rock solid preparation tips for a successful presentation

Good preparation is like assembling a bicycle. It needs both wheels if you expect to ride on it. Obvious.
So why do so many presenters produce the speech equivalent of a bicycle with a missing wheel?
Wheel number one is the message. Wheel number two is the audience. Much of your ability to connect message to audience will be in your manner and style on the day, but a great deal of it starts with your preparation. This guide shows how to assemble your bicycle with both wheels ready to roll. Get free expert advice on how to prepare and rehearse for your all-important presentation.This article is based on the free eBook "The Engaging Presenter Part I - How to prepare"

How to rehearse effectively
Whatever rehearsal method you use, do your first the day before and do it as close as you can to going to sleep. At night your subconscious goes to work on problems, using resources you didn’t even know you had. Rehearse again in the morning and you’ll find a marked improvement.
Act your rehearsal, don’t just say it. Act it with all the enthusiasm and emphasis you can muster, because that makes it sink in.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Understanding Personality Types Managing people through their personality traits



After reading this eBook, you will have the means to totally change the way you manage others. You’ll be able to recognize the personality types of others, accept them, work with them and develop them. And then, with practice, you can hit the heights of greatness. Take a look!


Not so long ago, the Gallup organization commissioned a research project to find out what makes a great manager. Over 8000 managers were interviewed worldwide. When the answers were analysed, there was one clear difference between good managers and great ones. The great ones understand and work with their staff. They know what makes them tick. They understand their wiring. They can differentiate their strengths and weaknesses. They understand and accept their personalities.

Dealing With Difficult People



If you are ready to handle the annoying and troublesome people in your life then Dealing with Difficult People is for you. You cannot afford to ignore them any longer. They cost you too much time, energy and money. Learn the 21 ‘tried and true’ tools which makes you an expert on Dealing With Difficult People. Experience the fearlessness coming from knowing you can deal with anyone anytime. Imagine the impact on your self, your dreams and your business. You learn how to take them for A Walk in the Park so both you and they can get on with life.


Have you notice your mother, father or who ever was your primary guardian believed you can learn to get along with anyone. That is why they let you loose on the world. They had confidence in your ability to learn to deal with contrary, annoying or difficult people.

Thinking Skills Using Your Brain in the Information Age



This eBook will cover all kinds of thinking skills and will make you see that your brain is the most powerful organ you possess. It is the tool that, if used skillfully, can help you perform better in your job, better in your team and better in your organization. By developing your thinking skills to meet the needs of the modern world, you are guaranteed to succeed.


Thinking Skills are some of the most valuable skills you can learn today. The reason is simple. While in the past, people went to work for their manual skills, today they go to work for their mental skills. We live in an Information Age, no longer an Industrial Age. That’s why brain has replaced brawn, and strength in thinking has replaced strength in muscles. No matter what kind of business you work for, nor what kind of job you do, today you are expected to apply a range of thinking skills to the work you carry out. This includes using your judgment; collecting, using, and analyzing information; working with others to solve problems; making decisions on behalf of others; contributing to ideas to innovate and change; and being creative about how your job can function better.

Maximising Your Potential Be all you can be!



This book will guide you on your own self-development through life. It will show you how to find out where your talents lie; how to use them to set goals; how to realize those goals through self-programming; what qualities you need to nurture your talents and bring them to fruition; and why developing your potential can be the most wonderful journey you will ever take. This book is quite simply your companion to fully realizing who you are.


Each of us is unique. Like snowflakes that look the same but under the microscope are different, we each have our own specialness that nobody else possesses. We have our own physical attributes, our own mental make-up, our own environmental background, and our own cultural inheritance. But more than all these, we have our own special, unique, and un-copiable talents. These talents are our gifts for life on earth. Some of us search in vain for their own special talents and never realize them fully before they die. Others come to them late in life after journeys that take them down dead-end streets. And others discover them early and are able to develop their special talents for their own joy and that of others.

6 steps to setting and reaching important goals in life

Change comes about when we are inspired to take action towards doing, thinking or feeling something different. Although we must be proactive, courageous and initiate change! Otherwise our status quo remains the same. The focus is on setting and reaching your goals.This article is based on the free eBook "Mastering the Power of Assertive Dialogue"
To start you should ask yourself: What do I feel determined to change, inspired to do differently? Thinking these two questions through is so important if you really want to revel in the positive results awaiting you.
This article gives you a chance to think about how we convert your learning into something tangible that can make a difference to you, to your relationships and to your business outputs. Let’s take a look at the 6 important steps that make change happen.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Mattering Map: A New Model for 21 Century Psychology

The Mattering Map: A New Model for 21 Century Psychology coverFrom the best-selling author of Engendered Lives, this groundbreaking article describes and elaborates upon the theoretical model of the Mattering Map. This model organizes the principles of contextual therapy in a manner that honors the complexity, multiplicity and morphing of the energetic field of mattering. The mattering map is more intimately related to 21st century physics, neuroscience and constructionist thought than to 19th and 20th centuries reductionist and fragmenting epistemological models.



Karma Manifesto: V.2 WII - FM Tune into New Age Marketing. coverThis eBook delivers insights on internet marketing and practical solutions to achive success in todays rapidly changing business enviroment. Get the jump on your competitors, with the knowledge that comes from the authors 27 years experence in niche market advertising. Downloading this eBook will lead you to a wealth of knowledge, that will fast track your successful future. You owe it to your self to download my eBook that will help you and any business understand where new customer growth is coming from with the adoption of online marketing. What do you have to lose. Download today and become the leader in sales and marketing. For more details go to,...


Emotions of Normal People

Emotions of Normal People cover

How To Protect Yourself From Adware and Spyware

How To Protect Yourself From Adware and Spyware coverThis FREE eBook includes the ultimate guide to removing and protecting your computer against adware and spyware. Plus--a free report with useful tips on how to remove spyware, a discussion about anti-spyware programs, tips for selecting the best anti-spyware, and information about the types of programs to avoid. Download it today!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to learn from your mistakes and improve your self-talk

Download and read eBooks for Free - For Life

Have you ever heard someone say something totally different to what they actually said? Have you ever daydreamt? Have you ever dreamt at night?
Well, if you answered “Yes!” to any of those, where did that voice come from? Was it the one in your head? Don’t worry, we’ve all got one. Some of us have many, and they can come in very handy.This article is based on the free eBook
Here’s the first useful tip for you. In fact, if you ever feel nervous or if you ever worry, or if you ever tell yourself you should have known better, then this will be a very, very useful thing to know. Are you ready?

Did you know that you have total conscious control over that voice in your head?
Did you know that if it nags you or criticises you, you can change its tone of voice to be anything you want. If it sounded really soothing and supportive, would you be more inclined to listen to its advice?
If it sounded really excited and enthusiastic, how do you think you would feel? Try it out now…..In a really critical, harsh voice, say, “That was rubbish, you should have known better”. Next, use a really kind and supportive voice to say “Hey! That didn’t work so well, what can you do differently next time?” Pay attention to the difference in how you feel about those two voices.
You can change the qualities of the voice inside your head. You can make it sound supportive, you can make it sound like a newsreader, you can make it sound like a cartoon character. Any of these will change your emotional state and allow you to benefit from the feedback from your internal commentator. In fact, you can change the qualities of any of your sensory systems to change the emotional content of memories.

Only you can master your self-talk
From a teaching perspective, the voice inside your head is called your ‘Internal Dialogue’. Other people have taken the idea and renamed it “self-talk” and a dozen other things. They all mean the same thing – talking to yourself using the voice that only you can hear inside your head. Of course, some people talk to themselves out loud, but it’s the same thing.
We code our experiences of the world into language, so words are far more than a simple communication medium – they are in themselves models of our experiences and our reality. Therefore, talking to yourself, either inside or out loud, is an important aspect of the way that you understand your experiences. If you find that you criticise yourself when you get things wrong and that this makes you feel bad, just try this really simple exercise.

Learn from your mistakes
Next time you make a mistake and the voice says “that was stupid” or “that was a bad idea” say, in a genuinely curious way, “Thank you! Now, how does that information help me?” You can try any variation on this, such as “Thank you! What do you suggest I do differently next time?”
You will find that the results are quite different to when you just nag yourself. You can make up any form of words that are right for you as long as you follow the basic structure of “acknowledge value” then “redirect to a positive course of action”. You probably already apply this structure when other people offer you criticism – don’t you? It just helps bypass the emotion of criticism and get to the real value – the feedback.
You may say “but this doesn’t apply to me” in which case you should pay twice as much attention. When you’re in a learning environment, some people will beat themselves up for making “mistakes”. You’ll know when they do this from listening to what they say, for example “I told myself I should have known better” or “I said to myself that this was wrong”. When you hear this, you can constructively intervene by helping them change their internal dialogue.

20 questions to find out how assertive and self-aware you really are

Download and read eBooks for Free - For Life

Understanding how you should deal with and judge different kinds of behaviours in different situations takes a high level of self-awareness. This does not mean you have to be a chameleon. It is about considering the outcome you need, recognising that each situation or person may require a different approach, and adapting your style appropriately to achieve a win-win.
The following questionnaire will teach you more about your behavioural patterns, how much assertiveness you currently adopt and therefore where you need to focus your development.  This article is based on the eBook
There are a limited number of questions for you to answer so the result is not necessarily conclusive, although it will indicate your preference, which lends itself to further self-study.

20 self-assessment questions
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Understanding your scores
You can now interpret your scores using the following information:
  • The highest of your four totals may indicate that this is your predominant behaviour.
  • If that highest score is 15-20, this may indicate a particularly strong preference for that behaviour.
  • The lowest of all your totals may indicate that this is your least preferred pattern of behaviour.
  • If that lowest score is 10 or below, may indicate how infrequently, you use this behaviour.
  • If all your totals are low, this may indicate an overall level of passivity, showing a lack of self-assurance and doubt in your ability when answering the questions.
  • If assertive and passive totals are close, this may indicate a strengthening of your assertive approach. It shows you are asserting yourself more often, although a predominant passive insecurity influences a retreat to a people-pleasing position.
Free Half Hour
  • If passive and aggressive totals are close, this may indicate a low self-esteem and insecurity, which underlies both behaviours. You may, for example, bottle up emotions and then explode with frustration when you can take no more.  You then feel guilty about your outburst and return to a passive standpoint.
  • If assertive and aggressive totals are close, this may indicate an imbalance of your self-expression and a dominant feeling of frustration. As you experiment with your assertion, you may still find yourself shouting or finger pointing when you struggle to get your views across.  This will rebalance the more you practise.
  • Return to the three non-assertive question sets and review your 3 and 4 scores. Consider and journalise the reasons behind your scores to those specific questions.
  • Return to the assertive question set and review your 1 and 2 scores. Explore what stops you from scoring higher and journalise your results.
  • Return to your assertive question set and review your 3 and 4 scores. Acknowledge the situations where you already behave assertively and explore what gives you the confidence to behave this way.
How you can use these results to your advantage
The questionnaire helps you build a better understanding of your behaviour patterns and you can now build on your discoveries.
1. Based on the questionnaire exercise, test out your results over the next two weeks.  Form a more concrete analysis by talking to people you trust about how they see you; notice your behaviours in action and take note of the patterns that are most dominant for you.
2. Explore whether these behaviour patterns are different at work versus at home.  If they are different, explore why that might be and what is it about one domain that produces a more confident behaviour the other?
3. Notice specific situations or people that influence you to react in an unassertive way. What is it about the person or event that provokes that reaction?

6 anti-stress guidelines for managers

Download and read eBooks for Free - For Life

In today’s tough, dynamic, resource-tight and uncertain economy, a company (or organization) needs strong managers to lead its staff toward accomplishing business goals.
But managers are not only leaders. They are problem solvers, coordinators, communicators, cheerleaders, and planners as well. And managers don’t come in one-size-fits-all shapes or forms. Managers fulfill many roles and have many different responsibilities at each level of management within an organization.
When you take into full consideration the full array of duties, roles and responsibilities in leading and managing their units, departments, organizations, etc., one thing becomes clear: business managers and professionals have difficult jobs.This article is based on the free eBook
But how can a business manager and/or a professional handle this stressful environment? The “guidelines” set forth in this short article are based on various consulting experiences and sources and may be used when necessary to stimulate us mentally and morally, as a business manager or professional, and then resolve the situation troubling us, with specific actions and activities. Let’s take a look!
Guideline 1: Make the necessary changes with harmony and balance
  • Put happiness in its right perspective in your life.

A must-read guide to how, when and how often to apply for an internship

Download and read eBooks for Free - For Life

In our current economy, the “entry-level” professional has been significantly – perhaps negatively – impacted; organizations are running leaner – and must “do more with less”.
As a result, many believe the days of securing a job based on having a college degree alone, without practical experience, are gone. Some would say there is no such thing as an entry-level position anymore; employers are demanding – and hiring – young talent ready to go to work, right now.
This is where internships play a major role in the education process, careers and the workplace. This article is based on the free eBook

According to a survey by the Chronicle of Higher Education and American Public Media’s Marketplace, employers strongly prefer relevant experience over academic achievement:

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Download this FREE e-Book, and learn how identity theft occurs, how stolen identities are used, and how to prevent identity theft from happening to you. Download it today!
How to Avoid Identity Theft cover

How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis

Find out what personality type you are and how to use these categories to understand yourself and others.

How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis cover

Download this FREE e-Book, and discover how your health and wealth can improve through the use of the Law of Attraction, along with the proper blend of spiritual and material principles that are detailed in this book, as an attempt is made to try to understand those enigmatic principles of life. Download it today & Wealth Magnetism cover

Are Your Employees Stealing From You?