Friday, March 11, 2011


You know , it is so nice just to be very quiet, to sit up straight with dignity , with poise – and  that is as important as it is to look at those leafless trees. Have you noticed how lovely those trees are against the pale blue of the morning sky ? The naked branches of a tree reveal its beauty; and trees also have an extraordinary beauty about them in the spring, in the summer and in the autumn. Their beauty changes  with the seasons . and to notice this is as important as it is to consider the ways of our own life.
Whether we live in Russia or  America or India , we are all human beings ; as human beings we have common problems , and it is absurd to think of ourselves as Hindus, Americans,Russians,Chinese and so on . There are political, geographic , racial and economic divisions, but to emphasize the divisions only breeds antagonism and hatred. Americans may be for the moment far more prosperous, which means that they have more gadgets, more radios, more television sets, more of everything including  a surplus of food, while in this country there is so much starvation, squalor, overpopulation , and unemployment , But  wherever we live we are all human beings, and as human beings we create our own human problems ; and it is very important to understand that in thinking of ourselves as Hindus, Americans or Englishmen or as white, brown , black, or yellow we are creating needless barriers between ourselves.
One of our main difficulties is that modern education all over the world is chiefly concerned with making us mere technicians. We learn how to design jet planes, how to constructpaved roads, how to build cars , or run the latest nuclear submarines, and in the midst of all this technology we forget that we are human beings – which means that we are filling our hearts with the things of the mind. In America automation is releasing more and more people from long hours of labour , as it will presently be doing in this country , and then we shall have the immense problem  of  how to utilize our time. Huge factories now employing many thousands will probably be run by a few technicians, and what is to become of all the other human beings who used to work there and who will have so much time on their hands ? Until education begins to take this and other human problems into account, our lives will be very empty.
Continues on next week.....               


Man has tried to overcome sorrow in so many ways through worship , through escape, through drink, through entertainment – but it is always there. Sorrow has to be understood as you would understand anyother thing. Do not deny it, do not suppress it, do not try to overcome it; but understand it, look at what it is. What is sorrows ? Do you know what sorrow is ?
Sorrows is when you lose somebody whom you think you love; sorrow is when you cannot fulfill totally, completely; sorrow is when you are denied opportunity, capacity ; sorrow is when you want to fulfil and there is no way to fulfil; sorrow is when you are confronted by our own utter emptiness, loneliness; and sorrow is burdened with self – pity. Do you know what “ Self – pity “ is ?
Continues on next week....


Training the intellect does not result in intelligence comes into being when one acts in perfect harmony, both intellectually and emotionally. There is a vast distinction between intellect and intelligence. Intellect is merely thought functioning independently of emotion. When intellect , irrespective of emotion is trained in any particular direction, one may have great intellect, but one does not have intelligence , because in intelligence there is the inherent capacity to feel as well as to reason ; in intelligence both capacities are equally present , intensely and harmoniously.
Now modern education is developing the intellect, offering more and more explanations of life , more and more theories, without the harmonious quality of affection. There – fore  we have developed cunning minds to escape from conflict; hence we care satisfied with explanations that scientists and philosohers give us. The mind  - the intellect – is satisfied with these innumerable explanations , but  intelligence is not , for to understand there must be complete unity of mind and heart in action...
Nuntil you really approach all of life with your intelligence, instead of merely with your  intellect, no system in the world will save man from the ceaseless toil for bread.
Continues of next of week.....