Have you ever wondered why it is that as people grow older they seem to lose all joy in life ? At present most of you who are young are fairly happy; you have your little problems , there are examinations to worry about , but in spite of these troubles there is in your life a certain joy, is there not ? There is a spontaneous, easy acceptance of life , a looking at things lightly and happily. And why is it that as we grow older we seem to lose that joyous intimation of something beyond, something of greater significance ? Why do so many of us , as we grow in to so – called maturity become dull, insensitive to joy, to beauty , to the open skies and the marvelous earth ?

You know when one asks oneself this question, many explanations spring up in the mind. We are so concerned with ourselves – that is one explanation. We struggle to become somebody, to achieve and maintain a certain position; we have children and other responsibilities , and we have to earn money. All these external things soon weigh us down, and thereby we lose the joy of living.
Look at the older faces around you, see how sad most of them are, how careworn and rather ill, how withdrawn , aloof and sometimes neurotic, without a smile. Don’t you ask yourself why ? And even when we do ask why , most of us seem to be satisfied with mere explanation.
Continues… ON NEXT SATURDAY 29 / 01 /11