One of the many problems confronting all of us , and especially those who are being educated and must soon go out and face the world, in this question of ‘ Reform ‘.
Various groups of political parties and reformers of very kind – are concerned with trying to bring about certain changes in the world , changes which are obviously necessary.
Although in some countries there is a fair degree of prosperity, throughout the world there is still hunger , starvation ; and millions of human beings have insufficient clothing and no proper place to sleep. And how is a fundamental reformation to take place without creating more chaos, more misery and strife ? That is the real problem, is it not ?
If one reads a little history and observe present – day political treads, it becomes obvious that what we call reformation , however desirable and necessary, always brings in its wake still other forms of confusion and conflict; and to counteract this further misery , more legislation, more checks and counter – checks become necessary.
Reformation creates new disorders; in putting these right, still further disorders are produced and so the vicious circle continues . This is what we are faced with and it is a process which seems to have no end.
Now how is one to break through this vicious circle ? Mind you , it is obvious that reformation is necessary , but Is reformation possible without bringing about still further confusion ? This seems to me to be one of the fundamental issues with which my thoughtful person must be concerned. The question is not what kind of reformation is necessary , or at what level, but whether any reformation is possible at all without bringing with it other problems which again create the need of reform.
And what is one to do in order to break up this endless process ? Surely it is the function of education , whether is the small school or in the large university to tackle this problem, not abstractly, theoretically not by merely philosophizing or writing books about it by actually facing it in order to findout how to solve it. Man is caught in this vicious circle of reformation which always needs further reform , and if it is not broken up our problems can have no solution.
So what kind of education, what kind of thinking is necessary to break up this vicious circle ?
Continues … next saturday 29 Jan 2010
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