Friday, January 21, 2011


I saw a dead body beings carried away to be burnt. It was wrapped in bright magenta cloth, and it swayed with the rhythm of the four mortals  who were carrying it. I wonder what kind of impression a dead body makes on one ? Don’t you wonder why there is deterioration ?
You buy a brand new motor, and within a few years it is worn out. The body also wears out, but don’t you inquire a little further to find out why the mind deteriorates? Sooner or later there is the death of the body, but most of us have minds which are already dead. Deterioration has already take place ; and why does the mind deteriorate ?
The body deteriorates because we are constantly using it, and the physical organism wears out. Disease, accident, old age, bad mood, poor heredity – these are the factors which cause the deterioration and death of the body. But why should the mind deteriorate become old , heavy, dull ?
When you see a dead body , have you never wondered about this ? Though our bodies must die , why should the mind ever deteriorate ? Though our bodies must die , why should the mind ever deteriorate ? Has this question never occurred to you ? For the mind does deteriorate – we see it not only in old people , but also in the young.
We see in the young how the mind is already becoming dull, heavy , insensitive ; and if we can find out why the mind deteriorates, then perhaps we shall discover something really indestructible. We may understand what is eternal life , the life that is unending , that is not of time, the life that is incorruptible , that does not decay like the body which is carried to the gbats, burnt and the remains thrown in to the river.

Now why does the mind deteriorate ? Have you ever thought about it ? Being still very young – and if you have not already been made dull by society , by your parents , by circumstances – you have a fresh , eager , curious mind. You want to know why the stars exist, why the birds die, why the leaves fall, how the jet plane flies; you want to know so many things ….
Continues …

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